
Work Experience


Feb 2022 - Jan 2023, Austin, TX

  • worked indepentedtly on interating protypes of an integrated mechatronic device for PCBs
  • Developed a method for manufactering printed circuit boards in a compact portable device
Harvard Microrobotics Lab

Mar 2022 - May 2022, Boston, MA

  • Project CETI (Cetacean Translation initiative) is working to understand the language of whales using Machine learning. The Harvard Microrobotics Lab’s focus on CETI is creating the hardware to record audio of sperm whales while they dive to depths of 1000m
  • Developed C/C++ ARM embedded firmware for whale tag recovery using APRS and the Swarm satellite constellation
Mass Eye and Ear Surgical Photonics and Engineering Lab

Oct 2021 - May 2022, Boston, MA

  • Developed Python software to assist in the quantification of medical microscopy imaging research and clinical imaging quantification.
  • Worked collaboratively in a team with diverse areas of expertise
Cherish Health

Dec 2019 - Jan 2021, Cambridge, MA

  • Conducted early R&D for sensor development
  • Prototyped and integrated electronics
  • Designed and performed radar tests for in-home health monitoring device.
  • Developed fall detection and activity monitoring for an in-home health monitoring system working primarily with Python and embedded C++
  • Provided general office support as needed in a small start-up environment
Comcast NBCUniversal

Jun 2019 - Dec 2019, Cambridge, MA

  • Designed system architecture
  • Tested and selected sensors
  • Developed software signal processing
  • Evaluated contractors and vendors for in-home health monitoring device
  • Focused on computer vision, radar, and sensor fusion for fall detection and monitoring user’s actives of daily living



Jan 2021 - May 2021, Antigua to Fiji 8732 nauticle miles

Sea|Mester is a study abroad program in which students live aboard a sailing vessel and sail the vessel with the professional crew whilst taking 4 college level classes